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INSIGHTS: (KI-) Interview mit Michael Hoppenburg
HRPC News Beste Personalberatungen 2024
Beschluss-BDU, 02.24_Demokratie und Rechtsstaat
2021-5-25 Interview über zeitgemäße Bewerbungsformen
Our behaviour in the face of the Corona Pandemic
Unser Verhalten im Angesicht der Corona-Pandemie
Vergütungsstudie: Managergehälter Erneuerbare Energien 2009 / Compensation Study: Manager Remunerations Renewables 2009
The economic crisis and the solar industry: assessment of the HR market in Germany
Searching for the right searcher - a special case in times of crisis
Recruiting über XING & Co. - nur eingeschränkte Erfolgsaussichten. Soziale Netzwerke taugen in D-A-CH weiterhin nur bedingt als Quelle zur Kandidatensuche
Recruiting in Poland - the most important methods and channels
Qualitative Entwicklungen im Personalmarkt für Führungskräfte. Beitrag für das Forum Solarpraxis Berlin 2009
Personalauswahl: Den idealen Kandidaten ermitteln
Online Gaming - not a game only. Die GDC 2012 und ihre personalpolitischen Implikationen
Management Due Diligence bei Transaktionen im Renewables-Sektor
Kurzstudie zur Rolle der Background Checks (Pre-Employment Screenings) bei der Personalauswahl in D-A-CH
Headhunter müssen intensiv suchen
HRPC-Schlagzeilen aus der Welt des (HR-)Managements Dezember 2018
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(partly availabe only in German language)

Certified Member of the European Confederation of Search & Selection Associations ECSSA


What we generally stand for:

Respect for all people and cultures.
No tolerance for people or institutions that question the free and democratic constitutions of Germany and the EU. 
We do not want to collaborate with clients or candidates who do not accept our values, whether politically or religiously motivated.

From the press:

Under the title "One step ahead" (Einen Schritt voraus), the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) reported on 24.06.2024 in its business section on p. 17 about a study conducted by Innofact on behalf of the SZ Institute to determine the best Executive Search consultancies in Germany.

According to the study, HR Personal Consulting took an outstanding 3rd place in a B2B target group survey to evaluate 177 well-known recruitment consultancies - thank you, dear customers!

More on this soon in our archive.

Jobs boutique:

Our jobs pages are currently being revised. You will soon find current vacancies under the heading “For candidates”.

Job hunting:

We actively support selected executives from the deeptech/cleantech sector in their reorientation at board/management level or for a supervisory board/advisory board function.
However, you are always welcome to send us an unsolicited application: new opportunities often arise at short notice in our core domains!
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HR Personal Consulting GmbH
Alemannenstrasse 4a
01309 Dresden, Deutschland
+49 351 3158 5930
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Executive Search & Jobhunting

Michael Hoppenburg
CEO / Geschaeftsfuehrer

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Recruiting & Agency  Services

Finn Hoppenburg

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